Famous Istrian touristic center on the west coast. Poreč or the area of Poreč covers the area from the valley of the river Mirna on north to the Lim fjord on the south. The island of St.Nikola protects the harbor and is an interesting place for swimming. Poreč’s inhabitants work in tourism and are developing the agriculture (wine, olives, fruits) and the city had from the beginning of the 20th century the school of agriculture, today the famous Institute for agriculture and tourism. After the year 313 Poreč became the seat of the diocese. During the Bizantine domination Poreč’s pledge loyalty to Venice and become part of their possession in Istria. Till 1797 was an important Venetian port for the export of Istrian agriculture products. Later under the Austrian domination, from 1797-1918, the city was an important political centre, the Seat of the Istrian Parliament and of the county administration. In Poreč are preserved around ten gothic Venetian buildings from the 15th century, few romanic buildings, defense towers from 13-15th century, geometric Roman streets but the biggest treasure protected also by the UNESCO is the Euphrasian basilica in Byzantine style from the 4-6th century and the bishop’s castle.